Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunny Farms and Lunch - Dude so raw!

Sunny Farms
So, as I did not have healthy food in my house I had to make a trip to our local Sunny Farms. I know what your thinkin' "Your mother didn't raise you to eat healthy food?" Nah, she did. The problem was I didn't have any food in my refrigerator. I quickly drew up a shopping list and acquired the following:

  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Kale (You don't eat kale? Yucky you say? Bitter you say? someone needs to bite the health bullet or learn how to cook it properly... sadly... I can't... cook... it 118 degree rule remember?)
  •  Mixed Greens
  • Tomatos
  • Avocados
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Carrots
  • Fresh Honey
  • Almond Butter 
  • Fruit Currants (they taste like raisins)  
  • Dried Cherries
  • Dried Apricots
  • Pecans
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Flax Bread (*DISCLAIMER* Wait you can't have bread, that's cooked! Yeah thats true I know. There's a few things I'm not doing raw, special healthy flax bread is one of them... just about the only one... I think...)
Stay tuned to see what I'm going to do with all of these nutritious living raw fūds.

Right, so now that I've filled my pantry with ingredients for life, It's time for lunch. I'm one of those college students who doesn't like to spend a lot of time cooking. I have other, more important things to be doing, video games for instance. So a really quick lunch is compiled of three ingredients: Silver Hills Mack's Flax Bread, Organic Honey, and Almond Butter. You compile these three basic fūds and you get something that's more scrumptious than you would believe. My first thought was, oh great, this is going to be dry and bland and undoubtedly tastefulness. WRONG! Best peanut butter and jelly honey sandwich I've had.

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